APS Dehuroad

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Welcome to Army Public School Dehu Road, where students embark on a transformative journey filled with endless opportunities. We believe that education is not just about textbooks and exams—it’s about fostering curiosity, igniting passions, and empowering young minds to explore the world around them. At our school, we create an environment that inspires intellectual growth, creativity, and critical thinking. Our dedicated educators are committed to providing innovative teaching methods, personalized guidance, and a supportive community that nurtures each student’s unique talents. With a rich array of academic programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and a vibrant extracurricular landscape, we strive to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are prepared to excel in an ever-changing world. Join us at Army Public School Dehu Road and unlock a world of learning and possibilities that will shape a bright future for every student.


At Army Public School Dehu Road, our vision is to instill the values of Respect, Responsibility and Relationship to ensure that students are ready for college, career and life.


a) To provide quality in academics by ensuring consistent results in all classes which is better than the previous year.

b) To provide a learning environment for holistic development of learners in terms of co-curricular activities in sports, literary activities, cultural activities, arts, and technology.

c) To enhance communication skills by providing opportunities for language development.

d) To take learning out from the confines of the classroom and make each space in the school a rich learning experience.

e) To create an environment of inclusion by acceptance, respect, and support for their holistic development.

f) To drive and implement technology to make children embrace the latest in technology.


